Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Self-serving Link

I've been dreaming up topics for posts. One of these days my life will settle down enough for me to actually type them out! Still looking for an apartment, still settling into my (three) new jobs-freelance writing, of course.

Speaking of freelance writing, I started a new blog, but it's mostly for use as a website for my business. I am familiar with the blog platform so I figured it would be just as easy to create one for that purpose than to learn how to make a webpage.

If you're interested, or know someone looking for a writer for a brochure, flier, cover letter/resume, content article, news column, or otherwise, send them to my new blog, Make Words Work. There's not a lot of content, article-wise. I added in some writing samples and the rest is just information on how to contact me, about me pages, things like that. Go have a look. Tell your friends.


By the way, running group was tonight instead of last night, and we did just under 4.1 km in less than half an hour. It was more like 20-25 minutes, when you take out the stretch time. We ran almost twice as much during this run, too. Pretty soon we'll be running the entire 4 km (and increasing our distance, too).

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