Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Roasted Beets With Balsamic Glaze

Hello everyone! Life has been crazy busy. I'm still chugging away at the fat loss challenge - in fact, we're officially half-way done! Insane! I'll make up another post to discuss my results, because this post is about (as the title indicates) a delicious beet recipe that I want to share.

I made these beets about four years ago, the first time, and haven't made them much since. It's an absolutely delicious recipe and might even convert you beet haters out there. It's a completely paleo recipe, if you use honey, and is even pretty much low-carb. The recipe will serve two as a side dish, unless you love beets like me, in which case it will serve one with a little left over. Ha.

The recipe is very simple to multiply if you want to make more.

4-5 beets
2 T olive oil
pinch of salt

1/2 T honey
1/2 T butter
1/2 T balsamic vinegar

Preheat your oven to 400F.

Scrub your beets clean and remove any spots that are questionable. Trim the roots down to about 1" and place the beets in a glass baking dish.

Toss with the olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

Cover tightly with aluminum foil.

Place in oven and roast for between one and two hours, depending on the size of the beets. After one hour, start testing every 15 minutes.

When you can easily stick a fork in them, they're done.

Remove them from the oven and leave the foil off so they cool a bit.

Prepare the glaze while you wait for them to cool: throw the glaze ingredients into a shallow saucepan and bring to a low boil at medium-high heat. Stir very frequently, until the glaze is reduced to a thickened syrup. Remove from heat.

Peel the beats. I recommend you wear gloves, unless you like pinky-purple fingers. Trust me.

Cut the beets into bite-sized chunks.

Put the beets into a glass serving bowl and pour the glaze over top. Mix and then serve warm, or refrigerate and serve cold. Either way is delicious!

You're welcome.

I'm making these tonight, so I'll add a photo later.
**edited to add: the photos totally sucked, so you're outta luck until next time. Sorry!

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